Adrian Botez

Adrian Botez is editor-in-chief at Polirom Publishing House and coordinates the Romanian fiction collections from Iași. He has had what one may call an organic growth. He started as a proofreader, continued as a copy editor, then as an deputy editor-in-chief, and now he holds the rails of the editorial team, by following the road of a book from manuscript to its launch. Actually, sometimes even from the idea, as in 2019 he initiated the collection „Fictional biographies” and has been growing it since, nourishing it and promoting it with a rare sense of devotion. He talks with the same passion about Romanian fiction at the Romanian and international book fairs, where Adrian Botez searches for editors to enamour with the Romanian authors’ books.

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Alexandra Cozmolici

Alexandra Cozmolici is an English and French translator, and the authors she translated include Maryse Condé, Vanessa Springora, Delphine de Vigan, Sophie Kinsella, Anna Gavalda. She worked as an editor at the Polirom Publishing House, and, before that, as a PR consultant at Casa de Pariuri Literare. She graduated from the Faculty of Letters (the University of Bucharest), where she also attended the Master’s for the Theory and Practice of Editing. Now, she is a manager in a multinational company, but she continues to nourish her passion for books and reading.

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Iulian Bocai

Iulian Bocai este prozator, cercetător și traducător. A debutat la Polirom cu Ciudata și înduioșătoarea viață a lui Priță Barsacu (2018) și tot acolo a publicat și romanul Constantin în 2019. În 2020 i-a apărut la editura Tracus Arte Filologii (Instituționalizarea Studiului Literar În Europa), la bază teză de doctorat, pe care l-a obținut la Facultatea de Litere a Universității din București. Traduce din engleză, franceză și germană și studiază limbi clasice. Traduce poezie cu plăcere și ține un blog.

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Liliana Corobca is a writer and a researcher, studying the history of communism, especially censorship. She recently edited and published two large volumes of historical studies: Panorama comunismului în Moldova sovietică / An Overview on the Communism Regime in Soviet Moldova and Panorama comunismului în România / An Overview on the Communism Regime in Romania.Both published by Polirom Publishing House.

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