Liliana Corobca is a writer and a researcher, studying the history of communism, especially censorship. She recently edited and published two large volumes of historical studies: Panorama comunismului în Moldova sovietică / An Overview on the Communism Regime in Soviet Moldova and Panorama comunismului în România / An Overview on the Communism Regime in Romania.Both published by Polirom Publishing House.

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Ramona Tănase is Copyright Manager at Art Publishing Group. She has a PhD in philology at the University of Bucharest and published her study on Mircea Eliade at Tracus Arte Publishing House: Politicile lui Mircea Eliade: de la tinerețea legionară la maturitatea exilului. She has a great passion for Portugal, where she studied for a while, and a great weakness – her loyalty to his friends, which I have hardly seen elsewhere and rarely gratified. Because her humous is her strength.

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Eli Bădică is the editor and coordinator or n’autor collection of Nemira Publishing House. She collaborated with various cultural magazines and platforms, Suplimentul de Cultură, DLITE, Bookaholic, Arte și Meserii. She is a PhD candidate of the University of Bucharest and has supernatural powers which enables her to read all the good books, to attend the coolest literary events and to be in touch with everything new in the book industry. And there’s more.

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