Ruxandra Georgescu coordinates the promotion and communication department of Corint Publishing House. She joined the team in 2022 as an editor and then became a PR specialist. But her journey in the book industry starts in 2017. She first worked as a bookseller at Humanitas Cișmigiu bookstore, then as Social Media Coordinator at Humanitas Bookstores, later taking over the PR and Marketing department of the same bookstore chain. She graduated from the Faculty of Letters, where she also completed a Master's degree in Romanian literary studies. Ruxandra is an avid reader and seems to know the magic formula for each book to find its perfect readers.
Tag: communication

Ana Niculescu is Communication and Public Relations Manager at Cărtureşti. She has been part of the Cărtureşti team since 2008, and since 2014 she has been coordinating the way in which the Cărtureşti brand has been interacting with partners and clients. She loves plant infusions with lemongrass, rosehip peels, wild strawberry leaves, mulberry and basil leaves. She reads non-fiction in the morning and poetry or novels in the evening.

Eliza Dumitrașcu este PR Manager în cadrul Grupului Editorial ART. Lucrează de ani buni în comunicare, punându-și la bătaie imaginația și îndemânarea pentru promovarea evenimentelor și produselor culturale. A colaborat cu revista BeWhere, cu Revolver, o companie media, cu editura Paralela 45 și, de cinci ani, după o scurtă pauză, ajută cărțile publicate de imprinturile Grupului Editorial ART să-și găsească cititorii-pereche. Sau invers. Are o jachetă galbenă de Coraline, este membru fondator al unui club de tricotat exclusivist și unul dintre cei mai înfocați susținători ai unuia dintre cei mai tineri colecționari de insecte de pe la noi.