Eli Bădică is the editor and coordinator or n’autor collection of Nemira Publishing House. She collaborated with various cultural magazines and platforms, Suplimentul de Cultură, DLITE, Bookaholic, Arte și Meserii. She is a PhD candidate of the University of Bucharest and has supernatural powers which enables her to read all the good books, to attend the coolest literary events and to be in touch with everything new in the book industry. And there’s more.
Author: Oana
Cristian Negoiță is proofreader at Humanitas Publishing House, where he also copy edits and translates books, among which Galen and the Gateway to Medicine by Jeanne Bendick and Tallest Tower, Smallest Star. He is a meticulous reader and a professional always eager to learn more and more.
Ionuț Tenie este, din 2016, directorul Bibliotecii Municipale Radu Rosetti din Onești. A fost timp de trei ani City Manager al Oneștiului, profesând înainte ca jurnalist de presă scrisă și de radio.
Alex Ciorogar is the founder and manager of OMG Publishing House, the director of Echinox magazine and assistant professor at the Faculty of Letters of Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. He received a PhD in Philology, wrote book reviews for ten years, published scientific studies both in Romania and abroad and co-authored a couple of book on Dimitrie Cantemir.